Lots of Clare Events to Celebrate World Wetlands Day…

The Local Authority Waters Programme (LAWPRO) is hosting / co-hosting 4 different community events in Co. Clare this week to Celebrate World Wetlands Day.
You are invited to join LAWPRO and our partners to mark World Wetlands Day, which is a global day celebrating the importance of wetlands. This year’s theme is ‘Wetlands and Human Wellbeing’
The 4 different free community events will focus on wetlands in County Clare and how they support biodiversity, help address climate change, and support human wellbeing.
All events are free and open to all.
Event No. 1: In advance of World Wetlands Day, you are invited to celebrate the newly created wetlands and the unveiling of a new illustrated sign highlighting the importance of wetlands.
Please join LAWPRO, Miltown Malbay Tidy Towns, local Councillors and others to celebrate this event, followed by a reception with refreshments in the Miltown Malbay Community Centre (Church Street).
What: Opening of newly created wetlands & unveiling of a new illustrated sign
Where: Church Car Park, Miltown Malbay & Reception in Community Centre
When: Thursday, 1st February @ 11:00 am
Event No. 2: Clare Wetlands Networking Event.Please join LAWPRO, Clare County Council and Inland Fisheries Ireland, with important community case studies, at this wetlands networking event for County Clare.
What: Celebrate World Wetlands Day – County Clare Networking Event
Where: Temple Gate Hotel, Ennis, Clare V95 HOXK
When: Thursday, 1st February 2024 @ 7pm
Event No. 3: You are invited by Shannon Town Community Wetlands (STCW) and LAWPRO to celebrate the importance of local wetlands with an illustrated talk in Seán Lemass Public Library, Shannon Town and the Launch of Amateur Photography Competition focused on wetlands and biodiversity in County Clare (with light lunch) followed by a family friendly visit to the Shannon Town Community Wetlands site next to Gaelscoil Doinnach Rua.
What: Talk, Launch & Wetlands Site Visit
Where: Seán Lemass Public Library, Shannon Town (V14 WK50) followed by visit to Wetlands Site (parking at V14 AY84)
When: Friday, 2nd February 2024 @ 12:30 pm
Event No. 4: You are invited by LAWPRO and various East Clare community group to a family friendly event to celebrate World Wetlands Day on the beautiful shores of Lough Graney. The event will highlight the importance of East Clare wetlands, local folklore and tradition and the ecosystem services wetlands provide to us while supporting our wellbeing. Please bring along suitable clothing and footwear.
What: Family friendly field trip (talk & walk) – Lough Graney
Where: Car Park Area, Silver Sands, Lough Graney, Cahermurphy, East Clare
When: Saturday, 3rd February @ 11:00 am